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Literacy & Numeracy ​




Developing early literacy skills for all children is crucial.  Unfortunately, literacy is where the largest gap exists between boys and girls.  We need to get boys excited about literacy because it plays a massive role in academic success.  Exposure to reading and language-rich environments enhances linguistic proficiency, grammar, writing, spelling, and oral communication.  Children with strong literacy skills upon entering school are better equipped to engage with teachers and peers, understand classroom material, follow instructions, complete tasks, and express themselves effectively—essential for academic achievement and life.
Early literacy is particularly vital as 90% of brain development occurs in a child's first five years. Reading aloud to children not only builds brain connections but also fosters a love for learning, leading to long-term benefits such as improved academic performance, social skills, and mental well-being.  Reading aloud activates various brain regions, creating robust neural pathways crucial for learning.  Additionally, early literacy improves cognitive functions like memory, attention, and critical thinking, while also enhancing language skills, including vocabulary and grammar, facilitating effective communication and advanced thinking.  Simply put, prioritizing early literacy enhances children's academic success, supports brain development, and improves cognitive and language abilities.




Numeracy, essential for all students, is crucial for success in school and beyond. It involves confidence and proficiency in utilizing numbers and mathematical methods across various domains. A numerate individual can logically reason with numbers, applying mathematical concepts to solve diverse problems. Numeracy emphasizes logical thinking and computational skills.  Our focus is on number sense, geometry (patterns and shapes), measurement, the language of math, and spatial relations.

The New Alberta Curriculum (Literacy)



  • Develop listening and speaking skills by sharing ideas, stories and poems

  • Recognize and write some letters and words

  • Share understandings of ideas and information about people, places or things that are real or imaginary

  • Express ideas and information creatively

  • Contribute to discussions by asking questions and speaking in sentences that contain complete ideas

  • Copy words to become familiar with how words are spelled

Grade 1

  • Speak about experiences and information using appropriate vocabulary, volume and speed

  • Retell the main idea, characters and details in a story or poem

  • Show understandings of letter-sound relationships and automatic recognition of words

  • Combine ideas in logical sequences to speak and write in complete sentences

  • Begin sentences with a capital letter, and end them with a period, question mark or exclamation mark

  • Organize ideas to create stories and poems or record factual information



The New Alberta Curriculum (Numeracy)


  • Count and represent quantities within 10

  • Recognize 2-D and 3-D shapes in the environment

  • Compare objects by length, area, weight, and capacity

  • Order a sequence of events according to time






Grade 1

  • Recall addition number facts to a sum of 20 and related subtraction facts

  • Compare and sort 2-D and 3-D shapes

  • Order objects according to length, area and capacity

  • Identify cycles of time from nature and calendars

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